Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/ on line 1603

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' . SITE_NAME . ' | ' . strtoupper(getTheSEOcontent($mysqli, $id, 'pageTitle')) . ' | '; $cTitles = getTheSEOcontent($mysqli, $id, 'contentTitle'); if(count($cTitles) > 0){ foreach($cTitles as &$contentTitle){ if(trim($contentTitle) != '') echo $contentTitle . ' |' ; } } $cKeys = getTheSEOcontent($mysqli, $id, 'keywords'); $countKey = 0; $theKeyString = ''; if(count($cKeys) > 0){ foreach($cKeys as &$keys){ $countKey = $countKey + 1; if(trim($keys) != '' && $countKey < 4) echo ' - ' . $keys; if(trim($keys) != '') $theKeyString .= $keys . ', '; } } echo' '; if(trim(getTheSEOcontent($mysqli, $id, 'description')) != ''){ echo''; } if(trim($theKeyString) != ''){ echo''; } //rss sitemap $sql = "SELECT * FROM sitemap LIMIT 1 "; $result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); if($row['rss'] == 1){ echo''; } } ?> '); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $ctype = $row['content_type']; $cid = $row['content_id']; foreach($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin['name'] == $ctype) { //staat er een head.php in de pluginmap? if (file_exists('plugins/'.$ctype.'/head.php')){ echo ' '; include_once 'plugins/'.$ctype.'/head.php'; echo ' '; } } } } } } if(isset($_SESSION['PROFILE_USERID'])){ echo ' '; } if(isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] == 'profile'){ include ('plugins/profile_content/head.php'); } if(isset($_GET['p'])) $id = intval($_GET['p']); else $id = PAGE_ID_HOME; launchHeadHandler($mysqli, $id); ?>
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